Spider Woman resides at the top keeper of the tree which bears the fruit of Longing, to bring together those
elements of Life which yearn to belong together, identified in whispers from Speaking Rock. Spider
Woman, keeper of the tree which bears the fruit of Blessing, to make happy any beings open to discovery, ready
to accept Her knowledge as it is deliberately woven into recognizable patterns in creative minds, then held
in hand-made baskets, bowls, masks, poems, pottery, rugs, silver, turquoise - and held in relationships sculpted
with the tools of feelings. Spider Woman, keeper of the tree which bears the fruit of Celebration,
to experience grace-filled gratitude for the sacred Breath of Life and Her protective, semi-permeable membrane
of the soul which filters out toxins of troubles, imbalance and self-importance, as we are able and ready
to simply ask; releasing dreams to be fulfilled. I suspect Spider Woman wears a perpetual smile, always
ready to join in each of our first, and all later, laughs!